
How to Grow Fruit Trees Indoors

How to Grow Fruit Trees Indoors

Whether because of the weather or just because you don’t have space in your backyard, growing fruit trees indoors is very much a possibility. There are a few things to be aware of in order to grow a strong and healthy tree, but it can be just as effective as growing a tree outside. Here are a few guidelines on how to grow fruit trees indoors.

Choose the Tree

First, make sure you know if the tree you are buying already comes with a pot or if it’s bare rooted. This will help you get prepared so when you do get the tree, it’s not just sitting in a bag for a few days.



The most important aspect of a fruit tree pot is its depth. You want a pot that the roots can grow and expand in. Also, make sure it’s lightweight and easy to move or else you may find yourself straining when it comes time to put the plant somewhere else.



Because your tree will be growing inside, the soil is incredibly important. Choose soil that provides good drainage and has good aeration. You can cut down on the weight by filling the bottom part of your pot with packing peanuts or plastic bottles.



When watering your tree, make sure to keep it moist but not soaked. The temperature inside is a lot different than outside and there isn’t as much space for extra water to just run off. A safe rule is to water your plant when the top two inches of soil are dry.

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The most important thing to remember about fertilizer is that each tree has a specific set of nutrients that it needs. Be aware of those needs and plan accordingly. Don’t go cheap on your fertilizer; your tree is going to need all the nutrients it can get.



Make sure your tree is somewhere it can get plenty of light. You can move the pot around your home if needed, but that’s a hassle that can be forgotten if you just find one good spot.



Keep your tree pruned, clean, and tight. You don’t want unruly branches reaching across your living room, and that can be detrimental to the most vital parts of the tree getting the nutrients it needs. There’s no set schedule, just prune when your tree seems to be getting too big.
