
9 Herbs That Regrow


Take basil clippings with 4-inch stems and put them in a glass of water. Put the glass in a spot with direct sunlight and keep them there until the roots have sprout out to about 2 inches. You can then take them and put them in pots to grow your full basil plant.


With a full ginger root, simply plant it in the soil. While the process is pretty easy, it does take quite a bit of time. It will take a few months for the bulb to actually sprout, and you’ll only be able to harvest a full bulb in about 8 to 10 months.


In order to grow cilantro, you’ll need to put the stems in water. This will allow roots to sprout, making it possible to regrow cilantro. When the roots are long enough, take the cilantro out of the water and plant it. In a few months, you’ll have a full cilantro plant.


Take the mint stem that you have and put it in water. You’ll want to change the water every week or so, making sure it stays clean. When strong roots appear, transplant the mint to a pot (if you put it in a garden, just be careful. Mint spreads really fast).


Like most of the other herbs, lemon balm can be regrown too. You just use the cuttings, let the roots grow back, and when they’re long enough, plant the new lemon balm plant in the soil!


When regrowing fennel, first decide which type you want. The best part about fennel is that it’s a perennial, so as long as you take care of it and keep it in the ground, it will regrow every year.

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Take rosemary cuttings (2 to 3 inches), peel off the leaves at the bottom, scrape off the exterior of the stem if you want, and then put the cutting in water. Let it grow its roots out and then transplant to a pot!


The shoots of a sprouting garlic bulb are too bitter to eat or cook with, but you can use them to regrow garlic! Just take the bulb, put it in a bowl of water, and watch the garlic grow!

9 Herbs That Regrow